
Course: Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) (Facilitated)

February 03-March 06, 2020


Developing countries face various policy, institutional, and operational challenges due to weak debt management capacity and lack of efficient debt markets. Recent challenges include: the emergence of new markets and creditors; rapid global flows of financing; and blurring of global financial boundaries that have radically altered the financial landscape facing developing counties. Against this background, developing countries need to strengthen their debt management capacity to assure that government funds are raised consistent with fiscal and debt management objectives. This e-learning course will provide participants with knowledge on application of the revised DeMPA (2015) tool to assess comprehensive debt management functions in their countries.   The DeMPA tool provides a set of indicators for comprehensively assessing debt management performance in developing countries. The debt management performance indicators (DPIs) span five core areas of public debt management, covering: (i) governance and strategy development; (ii) coordination with macroeconomic policies; (iii) borrowing and related financing activities; (iv) cash flow forecasting and cash balance management; and (v) debt recording and operational risk management.   Based on the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) methodology for public financial management and sound practices in government debt management, the indicators represent an internationally recognized and comprehensive methodology for assessing debt management performance in relation to country peers and monitoring progress over time. The indicators are useful to guide the design of reform programs, monitor debt management performance over time, and enhance donor harmonization.   This course is based on a revised methodology applicable since July 2015.  By the end of the course, participants are expected to understand the scope, coverage and rationale behind the 14 DeMPA DPIs, recognize inter-linkages between the indicators, and become familiar with the DeMPA scoring methodology.