
2018 DMF Stakeholders' Forum: Rising Tide of Debt: Risk, Resilience, Responsibility.

May 28-29, 2018

Brussels, Belgium

Please click here for hotel accomodations for the 2018 DMF Stakeholder's Forum.


Organized by the European Commission and the

World Bank

May 28-29, 2018

Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Belgium


May 28, 2018 DAY ONE

8:00-8:25 am


8:30-9:00 am


Introduction (5 mins): Ms. Abha Prasad, DMF Program Manager

Welcome Remarks: Mr. Jan Walliser, Vice President, Equitable Growth, Finance, and Institutions (EFI), World Bank Group (WBG)

Opening Address:  Mr. Stefano Manservisi, Director-General of International Cooperation and Development, European Commission (TBC).

9:00-10:00 am



Keynote Address

Chair: Mr. Carlos Felipe Jaramillo, Senior Director, Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment (MTI), World Bank Group

Keynote Address:  EU Parliamentarian, (TBC).

10:00-10:15 am

Coffee Break 

10:15 - 11:30 am

Plenary Session 1:  Global Perspectives on Public Debt: (include discussion on debt sustainability and SDG financing)




  1. Mr. Jan Walliser, Vice President, Equitable Growth, Finance, and Institutions (EFI),
  2. H.E. Augusto de Sousa Archer Mangueira, Minister of Finance, Angola
  3. Mr. Koivisto Teppo, Chairman OECD Working Party on PDM
  4. Mr. Moritz Kraemer, MD, S&P Global
  5. ECB – Deputy/Assistant Governor/Chief Economist, Investment Bank
  6. Minister of Finance/Central Bank Governor (LAC, EAP, TBC)

11:30am-12:45 pm

Plenary Session 2: Are Debt Levels and Risks Rising – and if so, how can We Stem the Tide?


Ms. Paloma Anos Casero, Director, MTI, World Bank


  1. Mr. Mark Flanagan, Assistant Director, Strategy Policy and Review Department, International Monetary Fund  (IMF).
  2. Mr. Eric Lalo, Managing Director, Co-Head Sovereign Advisory, Lazard
  3. Fiscal Policy/Budget Head (Mexico/Brazil, TBD)
  4. (TBD)
  5. Central Banker/BIS

12:45- 2:00 pm


2:00-3:30 pm

Breakout Session 1: Responsible Financing: The role of the Private sector


Minister of Finance/EC, TBC


  1. TBD
  2. G20 Representative, (France, TBC)
  3. Mr. Agostino Consolo, European Central Bank (confimed)
  4. Country – (Romania) TBC

2:00-3:30 pm

Breakout Session 2: Are HIPCs more vulnerable than others?


Minister of Finance (TBD)


  1. Mr. Desire Vencatachellum, African Development Bank
  2. HIPC – Completion Point (The Gambia TBC)
  3. WB/MDB (TBD)
  4. Mr. Mathew Martin, DFI, (TBC)
  5. Mr. Sahr Jusu, Director, Debt Managmnet Divison, Sierra Leone

3:30-4:00 pm

Coffee Break

4:00-5:30 pm

Breakout Session 3: How Important is Good Debt Data for Effective Debt Management?


Minister of Finance (TBD)


  1. TBD
  2. Mr. Gerry Teeling, Chief, DMFAS UNCTAD
  3. WB taskforce on financial sector statistics (TBC)
  4. Country Debt Office head (TBC)
  5. LIC country (TBC)


4:00-5:30 pm

Breakout Session 4: The Foundation for Sound Debt Management: Laws and Institutions



Mr. Tomas Magnusson, Chair DMF, Panel of experts


  1. Mike Williams, International Expert
  2. Debt Office Head – AFR, TBD
  3. Debt Office Head – ECA, TBD
  4. Ms. Lilia Razlog, Senior Debt Specialist, MTI, WB



6:30 - 8:00 pm


Reception at Thon Hotel (hosted by the EC)



May 29, 2018, DAY TWO

8:45-10:00 am

Plenary Session 3: Domestic Debt Market Development to Mitigate Risks


Mr. Anderson Silva, Practice Manager, Finance and Markets, WBG


  1. Ms. Maria Cannata, International Expert
  2. Mr. Lars Mayland, Head of Monetary Policy Operations and Govt. Debt; Danmarks Nationalbank, Denmark
  3. Primary Dealers Association Head, TBC
  4. Mr. Stan Nkhata, Director, Debt Managment, MEFMI – Africa (confirmed)
  5. Mr. Adrien Diouf, Managing Director, Agence UMOA-Titres (AUT), Dakar, Senegal

10:00-10:15 am

Coffee Break

10:15-11:30 am

Plenary Session 4: Managing Risk under an Evolving Landscape


Ms. Doerte Doemeland, Practice Manager, MTI, WB


  1. Mr. Daniel Hardy, Division Chief, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund (TBC)
  2. Mr. Phillip Anderson, DMF Panel of Experts
  3. TBC
  4. TBC


11:30 am- 12:45 pm

Breakout Session 5: Managing Subnational Debt Risks


State Financial Secretary, TBD


  1. Ms. Archana Mangalgiri, Chief General Manager, Internal Debt Management Department, Reserve Bank of India
  2. Ms. Na Zhu, Deputy Director, Government Debt Management Division, Department of Finance, Hunan Province, China
  3. Ms. Izabella Barati-Stec, Visiting Professor, Central European University, Hungary
  4. Russia/Nigerian State, TBC

11:30 am- 12:45 pm

Breakout Session 6: Debt Sustainability Framework (DSF) Reforms


  1. WBG (Charir)
  2. IMF (TBC)
  3. Pacific Islands representative
  4. Mr. Dougal Martin, IADB

12:45-2:00 pm


2:00- 3:15 pm

Breakout Session 7:  Asset and Liability Management: Challenges and Opportunities


Mr. Coskun Cangoz, Manager, WB TRE (TBC)


  1. OECD country, TBC
  2. DMF country, TBC
  3. DMF country, TBC
  4. Mr. Lars Jessen, Lead Debt Specialist, MTI, WBG

2:00 - 3:15 pm

Breakout Session 8:  TBD




  1. TBC
  2. TBC
  3. TBC
  4. TBC

3:15-3:30 pm

Coffee Break

3:30 - 4:45 pm

Round Table: What has the DMF Achieved? What’s Next?


Mr. Gerd Scwartz, DMF Co-Chair, IMF (TBC)


  1. TBD
  2. Ms. Abha Prasad (WB), DMF Program Manager
  3. Donor (SECO, TBD)
  4. Mr. Baba Musa, Director, WAIFEM, TBC
  5. AUT, TBC

4:45-5:45 pm

Closing Remarks:

A Conversation with Ms. Erica Gerretsen, Head of Unit, Budget Support and Public Finance Management, European Commission, Ms. Paloma Anos Casero (WB), DMF Co-Chair and Mr. Moritz Kraemer, MD, S&P Global